Government Updates

2012-06-27 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice of Judicial Review on Anti-dumping Measures on Epichlorohydrin


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2012-06-27 > All chapters

CQC: Issue the Emergency Notice of Correctly Using Organic Product Certification Mark and Organic Code


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2012-06-27 > All chapters

CQC: Notice of Implementing the Certification Service of Cooling Tower


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

SHFDA: Call for Comments on the Regional Standards of Hygienic Specifications for Bean Sprouts Produced in Manufactories

根据《食品安全法》、《上海市实施<中华人民共和国食品安全法>办法》、《上海市食品安全地方标准管理办法》的规定,我局组织制订了《食品安全地方标准工厂化豆芽生产卫生规范》(征求意见稿)。现公开征求意见,请于2012年8月13日前按以下方式反馈意见: 传真:021-61675509 或电子信箱。

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2012-06-26 > All chapters

MOST: Issue the Special 12th Five-Year Plans for 6 Major National Scientific Research Programs Including Nanometer Research


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

CSRC: Issue the Guidelines on Statistical Indicator Standards for the Securities and Futures Industry No. 1 (for Trial Implementation)


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

SIPO: Issue the Administrative Measures on the Priority Examination of the Application for Patents for Invention


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

CIRC: Issue the Implementing Opinions on Encouraging and Supporting the Healthy Development of Private Investment


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

SAT: Issue the Announcement of State Administration of Taxation on the Disposal of Tax Payable and Overdue Fines of Less than CNY1


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