Government Updates

2012-11-28 > All chapters

MOF: Supplementary Notice on the Temporary Measures of Supervising and Testing Central Government’s Centralized Purchasing Institutions


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2012-11-28 > All chapters

CSRC: Notice on the Guidelines of Fund Management Enterprises Investing, Researching and Avoiding Insider Trading


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2012-11-28 > All chapters

SFDA: Notice on An Er Mian Capsule and Other 35 Drugs Converting to Non-Prescription Drugs


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2012-11-28 > All chapters

SFDA: Notice on Implementing the Follow-Up Supervision and Convergence Work According to the 6th Batch of Cancelling and Adjusting Administrative Examination and Approval Items by the State Council


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2012-11-28 > All chapters

State Council: Notice on Consenting to Establish the “National Transportation Safety Day”


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2012-11-28 > All chapters

MIIT: Call for Comments for the Procedure of China Gradually Lowering the Amounts of Mercury Used in Fluorescent Lamps (Draft for Comments)


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2012-11-28 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Call for Comments Again on <Data Quality Standards of Social Insurance Core Business> and Other 2 National Standards

今年8月,全国社会保险标准化技术委员会组织了对《社会保险核心业务数据质量规范》《社会保险术语第1部分:公共基础》《社会保险术语 第4部分:医疗保险》三个国家标准草案的意见征求工作,各界反应积极,提出了不少好的意见和建议。其中,《社会保险核心业务数据质量规范》国家标准共收到反馈意见96条,《社会保险术语第1部分:公共基础》国家标准共收到反馈意见289条,《社会保险术语第4部分:医疗保险》国家标准共收到反馈意见230条。标准制定工作组据此进行了修改完善并形成第二版征求意见稿。为确保标准质量,我们拟再次向全国征求意见。

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2012-11-28 > All chapters

MOA: Call for Comments for the <Protection Catalog of Agricultural Plant Species the People's Republic of China (Batch IX)> (Draft for Comments)


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2012-11-28 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Measures for the Administration of Rare Earth Industry’s Restructuring and Upgrading Fund


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