Government Updates

2012-06-27 > All chapters

CQC: Issue the Emergency Notice of Correctly Using Organic Product Certification Mark and Organic Code


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2012-06-27 > All chapters

CQC: Notice of Implementing the Certification Service of Cooling Tower


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

SHFDA: Call for Comments on the Regional Standards of Hygienic Specifications for Bean Sprouts Produced in Manufactories

根据《食品安全法》、《上海市实施<中华人民共和国食品安全法>办法》、《上海市食品安全地方标准管理办法》的规定,我局组织制订了《食品安全地方标准工厂化豆芽生产卫生规范》(征求意见稿)。现公开征求意见,请于2012年8月13日前按以下方式反馈意见: 传真:021-61675509 或电子信箱。

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2012-06-26 > All chapters

MOST: Issue the Special 12th Five-Year Plans for 6 Major National Scientific Research Programs Including Nanometer Research


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

CSRC: Issue the Guidelines on Statistical Indicator Standards for the Securities and Futures Industry No. 1 (for Trial Implementation)


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

SIPO: Issue the Administrative Measures on the Priority Examination of the Application for Patents for Invention


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

CIRC: Issue the Implementing Opinions on Encouraging and Supporting the Healthy Development of Private Investment


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

SAT: Issue the Announcement of State Administration of Taxation on the Disposal of Tax Payable and Overdue Fines of Less than CNY1


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2012-06-26 > All chapters

SAT: Issue the Announcement on Issues Concerning the Inspection of Tax Payment of the Nationally Accredited Enterprise Technical Centers and the National Public Service Demonstration Platforms for Small and Medium Enterprises

为了贯彻落实《国家认定企业技术中心管理办法》(国家发展改革委员会 科技部 财政部 海关总署和国家税务总局令第53号,以下简称《管理办法》)和《财政部 工业和信息化部 海关总署 国家税务总局关于国家中小企业公共技术服务示范平台适用科技开发用品进口税收政策的通知》(财关税〔2011〕71号,以下简称《暂行规定》),做好国家认定企业技术中心和国家中小企业公共技术服务示范平台(以下简称技术中心和示范平台)的认定和复审工作,现将核查技术中心和示范平台依法纳税有关事项公告如下:

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