Government Updates

2013-06-18 > All chapters

CFIA: Notice on the Beginning of the 2013 “Advanced Enterprises in Brand Development and Management in the Light Industry” and “Products of Advantaged Brands”


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2013-06-17 > All chapters

BJ IPO: Notice on the Conference on Protecting the Intellectual Property Rights


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2013-06-17 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on the Training for Passenger Transport Drivers

为贯彻落实《交通运输部 公安部 安全监管总局关于印发2013年“道路客运安全年”活动方案的通知》(交运发[2013]230号)要求,深入开展好“客运驾驶人大培训”活动,今年年底前对所有客运驾驶员进行一次以安全驾驶、文明行车为主要内容的再培训、再教育,进一步提升客运驾驶员综合素质,现将有关事项通知如下:

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2013-06-17 > All chapters

CMDE: Call for Comments on the <Technical Guidelines on Registration Dossier for Affinity Reagents for Type 2 Antibody of Toxoplasma, Rubella Virus, Cytomegaoviyns, Herpes Simplex Virus as well as for IgG Antibody (Draft for Comments)>


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2013-06-14 > All chapters

NHFPC: Reply to Questions Related to the Application of Spices Standards


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2013-06-14 > All chapters

NHFPC: Reply to Questions Related to the Labeling and Marking of Fungus Used in Food Products


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2013-06-14 > All chapters

NHFPC: Reply to Question Related to the Application Date of Labeling and Marking Rules on Fungus Used in Food Products


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2013-06-14 > All chapters

MOA: Announcement No.1954


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2013-06-14 > All chapters

MOF: Announcement No.34[2013]


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