Government Updates

2013-11-27 > All chapters

MOF: Announcement on VAT-related Matters relevant to the Restructuring of Assets of Taxpayers


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2013-11-27 > All chapters

SC: Regulations on the Prevention of Pollution Caused by Large Scale Livestock Farming


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2013-11-27 > All chapters

SAC: Call for Comments on the <Brand Value Service Assessment Requirements> and 3 Other Proposed National Standards Deadline: 3 December, 2013

经研究,国家标准委决定对《品牌价值 服务评价要求》等4项拟立项国家标准项目(见附件)公开征求意见。征求意见截止时间为2013年12月3日。

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2013-11-26 > All chapters

CFIA: Call for Comments on the National Standard: <Classification Principle of Amino Acid Products> Deadline: 15 December, 2013


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2013-11-26 > All chapters

CFIA: Call for Comments on the Industry Standard: <Industrial Cutinase Preparation> Deadline: 15 December, 2013


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2013-11-26 > All chapters

SHFDA: Notice on Further Enhance the Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Excipients


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2013-11-26 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on Matters relating to the Exemption of Government Charges for the Amount of Distributed PV-generated Electricity for Self Use


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2013-11-25 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Call for Comments on the <Regulations on Social Security File Management> and 3 Other National Standards Deadline: 25 December, 2013

根据国家标准化管理委员会2011年第三批国家标准制修订计划安排,全国社会保险标准化技术委员会秘书处已组织起草完成《社会保险业务档案管理规范》《社会保险术语 第2部分:养老保险》《社会保险术语 第5部分:工伤保险》《城乡居民社会养老保险服务规范》四个国家标准的征求意见稿。请各有关单位组织审阅,并于2013年12月25日前返回具体的修改意见。

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