Government Updates

2013-03-01 > All chapters

CSRC: Notice on Further Standardizing the Regulations on the Related Issues over the Establishment of Futures Business Department


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2013-03-01 > All chapters

SFDA: Notice on the Cancellation of 46 Drug Approval Numbers including Vitamin C Tablets


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2013-03-01 > All chapters

SAWS: Notice on the Key Working Points of Safety Production Emergency Administration of 2013


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2013-02-28 > All chapters

MOH: Notice on Establishing the Leading Group and Expertise Group for Sorting out the Food Standards


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2013-02-28 > All chapters

SAFE: Notice on the Related Issues concerning the Foreign Exchange Administration on Overseas Listing


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2013-02-28 > All chapters

SFDA: Notice on the Supervision over the Ads of Drugs, Healthcare Equipment and Health Food


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2013-02-28 > All chapters

BJ COC: Notice on Inspection of Safety Production of the Oversea Chinese-Funded Enterprises

为贯彻落实《商务部 安全监管总局 外交部 发展改革委 住建部 国资委 关于开展境外中资企业安全生产质量大检查专项行动的通知》(商合函[2013]11号)的有关工作要求,加强对北京市境外中资企业安全生产质量的督导和检查,提高境外企业安全生产的意识和能力,完善境外安全生产管理制度,保障“走出去”事业健康可持续发展,现将我市贯彻落实工作有关事项通知如下

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2013-02-28 > All chapters

NEA: Notice on the Guidelines of Fostering the Development and Utilization of Geothermal Energy


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