Government Updates

2013-02-26 > All chapters

CNTA: Notice on the Implementation of the Tourism Measures from the <9th Supplementary Agreement of Establishing a Closer Economic and Commercial Relationship>


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MEP: Call for Comments for the Technology Policies for the Prevention and Treatment of Mercury Pollution (Draft for Comments)

为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》和《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》,防治环境污染,改善环境质量,我部决定制定《汞污染防治技术政策》。目前,编制单位已完成该文件的征求意见稿及编制说明,现印送给你们,请研究并提出书面意见,于 2013年2月5日前反馈我部。

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2013-02-26 > All chapters

CFIA: Call for Comments for the Industrial Standard the <Norm of Energy Consumption per Unit Product of Citric Acid> (Draft for Comments)


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

CFIA: Call for Comments for the <Food Safety National Standard Food Addictives Galactomannan>

《食品添加剂 半乳甘露聚糖》列入2012年食品安全国家标准制定计划项目(项目编号为spaq-2012-38),受卫生部食品安全综合协调与卫生监督局委托,中国生物发酵产业协会作为主要承担单位负责阻止该标准的制定工作。

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2013-02-26 > All chapters

SAWS: Call for Comments for the Safety Technology Standard of Manganese Slag Silos (Draft for Comments)


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

CAAC: Issue the Administrative Regulations of Civil Airports Construction


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MIIT: Notice on the Telecom Service Quality


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Structured Analysis of the Tax Revenue Increase of 2012


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOF: The 4th Notice of 2013


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