Government Updates

2013-02-26 > All chapters

SAIC: Issue the Working Standard of the Executive Guidance of Industry and Trade Administrations


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

State Council: Issue the Administrative Regulations on Credit Investigation


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

SH FDA: Issue the Shanghai Municipal Food Safety Local Standard <Health Standard of the Production of Industrialized Bean Sprouts> (DB31/2011-2012)

根据《中华人民共和国食品安全法》、《上海市实施<中华人民共和国食品安全法>办法》和《上海市食品安全地方标准管理办法》的规定,经上海市食品安全地方标准审评委员会审查通过,现发布上海市食品安全地方标准《工业化豆芽生产卫生规范》(DB 31/2011—2012)(详见附件)。

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2013-02-26 > All chapters

BJ COC: Issue the Temporary Measures for the Administration of Operation Qualifications of Foreign Cooperation of Labor Service of Beijing


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MWR: Issue the Approved Water Conservancy Industry Standard (The General Guidance of the Business Process Design of Water Conservancy Informationization)


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MEP: Notice on the Models of Newly Manufactured Vehicles and Engines Meeting National Vehicle Emission Standards


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on Enhancing the Emergency Management of Highway Transportation under Terrible Weather


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on the Test Methods of Soils for Highway Engineering (English Version)

为增进公路工程行业标准的对外交流,现公布《公路土工试验规程》(JTG E40 2007)英文版。

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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on the Technology Standard of the Highway Road Surface Construction (English Version)

为增进公路工程行业标准的对外交流,现公布《公路路面基层施工技术规范》(JTJ 030 2000)英文版。

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