Government Updates

2013-02-28 > All chapters

MIIT: Notice on the Supervision Inspection of the Enterprises that Were in the Notice of the Access of Ferrous Alloys and the Application of the 5th Batch of the Access


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2013-02-28 > All chapters

MOF: The 7th Notice of 2013


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2013-02-28 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Notice on the Related Issues concerning the Qualification Standard of the Computer Technology and Software Major Qualification (Level) Examination in the Latter Half Year of 2012


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2013-02-28 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Notice on the Related Issues concerning the Qualification Standard of the Excavation and Design Registered Engineers


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2013-02-28 > All chapters

MEP: Notice on the List of the SMG Manufacturers that Meet the Requirements of Environmental Protection Laws and Regulations (the First Batch)

为贯彻落实《国家发展改革委 环境保护部关于2010年玉米深加工在建项目清理情况的通报和开展玉米深加工调整整顿专项行动的通知》(发改产业〔2011〕1129号),我部于2011年11月印发了《关于开展柠檬酸、味精生产企业环保核查工作的通知》(环办函〔2011〕1272号),组织开展味精企业环保核查工作。经中国生物发酵产业协会、各企业所在地省级环境保护行政主管部门以及环境保护部各督查中心现场检查和社会公示,我部形成了第1批符合环保法律法规要求的味精企业名单,现予以公告(名单见附件)。

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2013-02-28 > All chapters

MEP: Notice on the List of the Citric Acid Manufacturers that Meet the Requirements of Environmental Protection Laws and Regulations (the Second Batch)

为贯彻落实《国家发展改革委 环境保护部关于2010年玉米深加工在建项目清理情况的通报和开展玉米深加工调整整顿专项行动的通知》(发改产业〔2011〕1129号),我部于2011年11月印发了《关于开展柠檬酸、味精生产企业环保核查工作的通知》(环办函〔2011〕1272号),组织开展柠檬酸企业环保核查工作。经中国生物发酵产业协会、各企业所在地省级环境保护行政主管部门以及环境保护部各督查中心现场检查和社会公示,我部形成了第2批符合环保法律法规要求的柠檬酸企业名单,现予以公告(名单见附件)。

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2013-02-28 > All chapters

MEP: Notice on the Changed Parts of Customs Goods Code and Names from the <Management Catalogue of Imported Waste>


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2013-02-28 > All chapters

MOHURD: Notice on the Administration of the Fund and Compensated Use Projects Application of China Clean Development Mechanism


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Temporary Measures for the Calculation and Collection of the VAT from the Main and Subsidiary Branches of Some Aviation Companies


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