Government Updates

2013-02-26 > All chapters

CRSC: Issue the Temporary Measures for the Administration of National Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Transferring Shares to Systematic Limited Liability Companies


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

NEA: Issue the Guidelines of the Filling and Excavation of Coal Mines


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

SASAC: Issue the Temporary Measures of the Assessment of the Operational Performance of Persons in Charge of Central Enterprises


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MIIT: Notice on the List of the Demonstration Enterprises that Combined National-Level Informationization and Industrialization (2012)


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Notice on the 13 National Key Technical Schools


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on Implementing the <Standard of the Safety Routine Check of the Coaches in the Bus Passenger Stations>

去年12月,部印发了《汽车客运站营运客车安全例行检查及出站检查工作规范 》(交运发〔2012〕762号,以下简称《规范》),并在2013年度道路运输春运座谈会上就《规范》的实施作了动员和部署。为深入做好《规范》的宣贯实施工作,切实提高各地汽车客运站营运客车安全例检的科学化、标准化及规范化水平,现就有关事项通知如下

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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on Implementing the Guidelines to Enhance the Reform in Electricity and Coal Market by the State Council

根据《国务院办公厅关于深化电煤市场化改革的指导意见》(国办发 [2012] 57号),自 2013年起,取消重点合同,取消电煤价格双轨制,不再下达年度跨省区煤炭铁路运力配置意向框架;煤炭企业和电力企业自主衔接签订合同,自主协商确定价格;鼓励双方签订中长期合同;运输部门要组织好运力衔接,对落实运力的合同由有关部门备案。

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2013-02-26 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Notice on the Guidelines of Promoting Frugality and Opposing Extravagance in Catering Industry


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2013-02-26 > All chapters

PBOC: Notice on the Operation of Financial Market of 2012


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