Government Updates

2013-02-17 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the 2012 Annual Statement of the Enterprises Executing the Enterprises Accounting Standard


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Notice on the Related Issues concerning Standard of Auditing-Majored Technology Certification Qualification of 2012


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Notice on the Related Issues concerning Standard of Economic-Majored Technology Certification Qualification of 2012


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Notice on the Related Issues concerning Standard of Registered City Planner Certification Qualification of 2012


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

MOT: Notice on the New Standard of the Bail of the Non-Vessel Shipping Operators between Chinese and American Ports

鉴于当前人民币对美元汇率的变化,中美两国海运主管部门协商并经近期举行的第六次中美海运会谈签署的《会谈纪要》确认,将从事中美港口间无船承运业务企业提交给美国联邦海事委员会(FMC)的保证金金额有原9.6万美金调整为12.5万美金,与中国规定的保证金标准基本一致(其中FMC OTI BOND为7.5万美金;OPTIONAL RIDER FOR ADDITIONAL NVOCC FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY为5万美金)。美国联邦海事委员会已公告新标准自2012年11月23日(美国时间)开始执行。

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2013-02-17 > All chapters

MIIT: Call for Comments for the <Overall Standard of Ground-Used Silicon Based Film PV Module> and Other 5 National Industrial Standards

根据工业和信息化部标准化工作的总体安排,现将申请立项的《地面用硅基薄膜光伏组件总规范》等6项电子国家、行业标准计划项目予以公示(见附件1),截止日期为 1月30日。

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2013-02-17 > All chapters

MIIT: Call for Comments for the <Technology Standard of Production Safety of Low-Carbon Aliphatic Amine> and Other 102 Industrial Standards


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Fund Administrative Measures for the Production Development of Modern Agriculture of Central Finance


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2013-02-17 > All chapters

MOF: Issue the Work Evaluation Methods for the Production Development of Modern Agriculture of Central Finance


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