Government Updates

2013-08-06 > All chapters

SAWS: Notice on Accelerating the Shutdown of Small Chemical Enterprises Failing to Meet Production Safety Standards


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2013-08-06 > All chapters

MWR: Notice on Enhancing the Water Data Collection Work in Special Areas


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2013-08-05 > All chapters

CQC: Notice on the Application of New Standards and Certification Rules to Speed Room Air Conditioners

根据国家标准委2013年第9号中国国家标准批准发布公告, GB21455-2013《转速可控型房间空气调节器能效限定值及能效等级》于2013年6月9日发布,并于2013年10月1日实施。中国质量认证中心(英文缩写CQC)同时发布新版转速可控型房间空气调节器节能认证规则CQC31-439121-2013,替代旧版转速可控型房间空气调节器节能认证规则CQC31-439121-2008。

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2013-08-05 > All chapters

MSA: Issue the <Regulations of the PRC on Sailors’ Working and Living Conditions on Board>


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2013-08-05 > All chapters

CFDA: Notice on the Appointment of the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Centre and 21 Other Organisations as CFDA’s Dietary Supplement Registration and Inspection Agencies


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2013-08-05 > All chapters

CIRC: Notice on Enhancing External Credit Ratings Regulation on the Investment of Insurance Funds in Bonds


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2013-08-05 > All chapters

SCLAO: Call for Comments on the <Implementation Measures on the Regulation of Production License of Industrial Products (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 31 August, 2013


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2013-08-05 > All chapters

SCLAO: Call for Comments on the <Legislative Procedural Requirements for CFDA (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 5 September, 2013


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2013-08-05 > All chapters

MEP: Notice on Releasing the <Technical Requirements and Detection Measures for PM10 and PM2.5 Continuous Automatic Monitoring System> and 5 Other National Environmental Protection Standards


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