Government Updates

2013-07-30 > All chapters

CAAC: Call for Comments on the <Flight Programme Verification Regulations (Draft)> Deadline: 30 August, 2013

飞行校验是检验飞行程序设计准确性和可靠性的必要环节,是保证飞行安全的重要手段,也是国际民航组织《飞行程序质量保证手册》(ICAO Doc.9906)的具体要求。为规范飞行程序校验工作,加强对机场飞行程序质量管理,我司组织编写了《飞行程序校验管理规定》咨询通告(草稿)。

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2013-07-29 > All chapters

NDRC: Call for Comments on the <Clean Production Evaluation System for Cement Industry (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 4 August, 2013

为进一步形成统一、系统、规范的清洁生产技术支撑文件体系,指导和推动企业依法实施清洁生产,国家发展改革委、环境保护部会同工业和信息化部在已发布的《清洁生产标准 水泥工业》(HJ467-2009)和《水泥行业清洁生产评价指标体系(试行)》的基础上,整合编制了《水泥行业清洁生产评价指标体系》(征求意见稿),将替代上述指标体系和标准。现向社会公开征求意见。

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2013-07-29 > All chapters

MOST: Notice on Abolishing the <Measures on the Certification and Management of National Productivity Promotion Pilot Centre>


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2013-07-29 > All chapters

MWR: Notice on Further Clarifying and Carrying Out Main Responsibilities for Small Reservoir Management and Basic Requirements for Operating and Management Personnel


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2013-07-29 > All chapters

MOA: Notice on the 2013 Pilot Projects on Financial Performance Evaluation for Farming Industry


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2013-07-29 > All chapters

MOA: Issue the <Suggestions on Fertiliser Formula and Fertiliser Application in Wheat-, Maize-, Rice-Growing Areas (2013)>


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2013-07-29 > All chapters

GOV: Notice on the Change in Composition of National Green Committee


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2013-07-29 > All chapters

MEP: Announcement on Releasing the <Technical Requirements for Environmental Protection and Restoration Management in Mining Areas (Trial Implementation)> and 1 Other National Environmental Protection Standards


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