Government Updates

2013-11-22 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Issuance of the <Classified Catalogue of Government Procurement Items>


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2013-11-22 > All chapters

CFDA: Call for Comments on Enhancing the Regulation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Extraction and the Extractives Deadline: 23 December, 2013


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2013-11-22 > All chapters

CBRC: Pilot Measures for the Regulation of Consumer Finance Companies


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2013-11-22 > All chapters

SC: Decision on Amending the <Measures for the Declaration of Statistics on Balance of Payments>


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2013-11-22 > All chapters

MOFCOM PBOC CSRC: Decree No.3 2013 <Specific Regulations on Transactions in the Spot Market for Commodities (for Trial Implementation)>


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2013-11-22 > All chapters

NHFPC: Call for Comments on the National Occupational Health Standards: <Determination of Toxic Substance in Working Space> Deadline: 23 December, 2013

我委组织修订了《工作场所空气有毒物质测定》(GBZ/T 160,共260个部分)国家职业卫生标准(征求意见稿)。现公开征求意见(可从国家卫生计生委网站征求意见栏目下载),请于2013年12月23日前将意见反馈表(附件3)以传真或电子邮件形式反馈中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所。

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2013-11-22 > All chapters

MIIT: Notice on the Issuance of the <IPR Management Guidelines for Industrial Enterprises>


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2013-11-21 > All chapters

MIIT: Notice on the Issuance of the <Internal Combustion Engine Re-manufacturing Promotion Plan>


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2013-11-21 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Opinions on Boosting the Generalisation of E-Commerce


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