Government Updates

2013-07-16 > All chapters

MEP: Call for Comments on the <Solid Waste the Determination of Beryllium Nickel Copper Molybdenum Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption (Draft for Comments)> and 7 Other National Environmental Protection Standards Deadline: 25 July, 2013

为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,保护环境,保障人体健康,提高环境管理水平,规范环境监测工作,我部决定制定《固体废物 铍 镍 铜 钼的测定 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法》等7项国家环境保护标准。目前,标准编制单位已编制完成标准的征求意见稿。根据国家环境保护标准制修订工作管理规定,现将标准征求意见稿和有关材料印送给你们,请研究并提出书面意见,于2013年7月25日前反馈我部。

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2013-07-15 > All chapters

MOT: Announcement on Releasing the Modified Characteristics of Large Container Ships’ Design Ship Size under the <Design Code of General Layout of Port (JTJ211-99)>


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2013-07-15 > All chapters

MOT: Announcement on Releasing the <Technical Specifications on the Maintenance of Port Facilities (JTS310-2013)>


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2013-07-15 > All chapters

GOV: Opinions on the Healthy Development of PV Sector


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2013-07-15 > All chapters

MOT: Call for Comments on the <Measures on the Management of Physical Inspection of Containers of Dangerous Goods (Draft for Comments)> and the <Emergency Management Plan on Port Accidents (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 19 July, 2013


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2013-07-15 > All chapters

SAIC: Notice on Investigating and Severely Punishing Activities of Selling Prohibited Products and Services Online


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2013-07-15 > All chapters

NHFPC: Call for Comments on the Decision on Widening the Use of 3,4-Diacetoxy-1-Butene and Other New Food-Related Products <Accounting Regime in Administrations (Draft for Comments)> Deadline: 9 August, 2013


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2013-07-15 > All chapters

NHFPC: Call for Comments on <Soy Sauce> and 8 Other National Food Safety Standards Deadline: 30 August, 2013


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2013-07-15 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Pilot Project on the Pre-issuing of the 7th T-Bonds

为促进国债市场健康发展,根据《财政部 中国人民银行 中国证券监督管理委员会关于开展国债预发行试点的通知》(财库〔2013〕28号,以下简称《试点通知》),经研究,决定将7年期记账式国债作为首批开展预发行试点的券种。交易场所符合《试点通知》规定后即可开展7年期记账式国债预发行交易。

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