Government Updates

2018-06-27 > All chapters

SAT: Notice on the 2018 Relevant Tax Policies on the Refund of Excess Value-Added Tax Paid in Some Industries

财政部 税务总局关于2018年退还部分行业增值税留抵税额有关税收政策的通知

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2018-06-24 > All chapters

State Council, Guideline to Comprehensively Enhance Ecological and Environmental Protection and Win the Battle against Pollution of Air, Water and Soil

国务院关于全面加强生态环境保护 坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的意见

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2018-06-20 > All chapters

State Council, Premier Li Keqiang Chaired the State Council’s Executive Meeting; Fiscal Measures on the Way to Make Financing More Accessible for Small and Micro Businesses

李克强主持召开国务院常务会议 部署进一步缓解小微企业融资难融资贵等

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2018-06-15 > All chapters

CSRC, Call for Comments on Governance Guidelines of Listed Companies

证监会: 关于就修订《上市公司治理准则》公开征求意见的通知

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2018-06-13 > All chapters

MIIT, Notice on the Quality of Telecommunications Service


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2018-06-10 > All chapters

State Council, Circular on Several Measures for Actively and Effectively Utilizing Foreign Capital to Promote High-quality Economic Development


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2018-06-08 > All chapters

MOFCOM, Call for Comments on the Decision to Amend the Interim Measures for the Recordation Administration of the Formation and Modification of Foreign-invested Enterprises (Draft for Comments)


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2018-06-08 > All chapters

State Council, Approval of the State Council's Agreement on Deepening Approval for the Innovation and Development of Service Trade


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2018-06-07 > All chapters

MIIT, Notice on Issuing the Action Plans for the Industrial Internet Development (2018-2020) and the 2018 Work Plan for the Task Force on Industrial Internet


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