Government Updates

2018-04-13 > All chapters

GAC, Ruling the Administration of Registration of Standardize Cross-border E-commerce Payment Enterprises


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2018-04-12 > All chapters

State Council, Opinions on the Assignment of Key Work among Departments for the Implementation of the Report on the Work of the Government


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2018-04-11 > All chapters

MIIT, MPS, MOT, Notice on Issuing Rules on the Road Test of Intelligent Connected Vehicles (for Trial Implementation)


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2018-04-11 > All chapters

PBOC, China Central Bank Governor Yi Gang Announced Specific Measures and Timetable for Further Expanding Financial Industry Opening Up at the Boao Forum for Asia


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2018-04-10 > All chapters

President Xi Delivered a Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018, Announced New Significant Measures to Expand Opening Up

习近平出席博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会开幕式并发表主旨演讲,强调顺应时代潮流 坚持开放共赢,宣布中国扩大开放新的重大举措。

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2018-04-08 > All chapters

SAIC, Opinions on Further Strengthening Direct Sales Supervision and Management


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2018-04-04 > All chapters

State Council, Decision of the State Council to Amend and Repeal Certain Administrative Regulations


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2018-04-04 > All chapters

MOFCOM, Announcement No.34 [2018] of the Ministry of Commerce - Announcement on Imposing Extra Tariff on Certain Imported Products Originating in the United States

商务部公告2018年第34号 关于对原产于美国的部分进口商品加征关税的公告

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2018-04-04 > All chapters

MOF, SAT, the Notice on Adjusting the Value-Added Tax Rate


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