Exclusive Dialogue with MOST on Scientific and Technological Innovation in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan

2015-09-16 | Beijing

Exclusive Dialogue with MOST on Scientific and Technological Innovation in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan

Deputy Director General Yu Jian from Department of Innovation and Development, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) delivered a presentation at the Exclusive Dialogue on the Considerations on Scientific and Technological Innovation in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan.

In DDG Yu's presentation, he talked about the important research that have been conducted, the context of drafting the 13th Five-Year Plan, the general principles and major tasks in the process of drafting the Plan as well as the considerations of next steps. China has made tremendous progress in R & D during the 12th Five-Year Plan, but still lagging behind developed countries in some areas. China has made much effort to fill the gap and aimed to have the contribution of the R & D in the country's GDP of 2.5% in 2020. 

In the Q & A session, DDG Yu answered questions about the contributions of foreign companies to China's  R & D during China's  13th Five-Year Plan, key areas of R & D in the next Five-Year Plan, the development of new energy cars, international cooperation with other countries and educational institutes etc.. Generally speaking, the central government has attached much importance to R & D. The Ministry of Science and Technology encourages foreign companies to set up more R & D centers to carry out innovation in China. The Chinese government adopts an open attitude towards international cooperation. There have been four special IPR courts in China to better protect the IPR. Supportive policies will be released to further motivate innovation in the country.