Meeting with Vice Minister Zhong Shan, MOFCOM

2015-10-22 | Beijing

Meeting with Vice Minister Zhong Shan, MOFCOM

In the meeting, Vice Minister Zhong Shan recognized the effort and the contribution of European businesses in China’s reform and opening up. He highlighted the importance the Chinese government has paid to the bilateral trade and investment cooperation between China and the EU.

President of the Chamber briefed on the 2015/2016 Position Paper and key messages from this year’s Position Paper. He also talked about local Position Papers and their significance for the European businesses operating in China. He talked about the ongoing Comprehensive Agreement on Investment negotiations and the impact the Agreement will bring. He hoped that China will send a message of deepening reform and opening up by truly allowing the market force to play a key role in the economic development and adopting laws and regulations with clear-cut wording.

The President also commented on the newly released Opinions of the State Council on the Implementation of Market Entry Negative List and voiced the concerns of the health care equipment working group and the metals and mining working group. He invited Vice Minister Zhong to attend the Annual Conference of the Chamber at the end of the meeting and said that it would be great to have the Vice Minister at the Conference and deliver opening remarks.

Vice Minister Zhong welcomed critical opinions and said that MOFCOM will work on the recommendations in the Position Paper. He responded to the concerns raised from the working groups and said that he would like to attend the Annual Conference if time permits. He hoped that the European Chamber will continue to play an important role in promoting trade and economic cooperation between China and the EU.