Meeting with MOFCOM, NDRC and SAIC on Anti-Monopoly

2015-11-09 | Beijing

Meeting with MOFCOM, NDRC and SAIC on Anti-Monopoly

DG Shang Ming from MOFCOM welcomed the delegation led by the Vice President of the Chamber and started the meeting with some comments on the anti-monopoly legislation and law enforcement in China. Ms. Wu Dongmei from the NDRC briefed on the implementation of the anti-monopoly law and the seven guidelines on anti-monopoly they are working on.

Vice President of the Chamber, Mats Harborn thanked MOFCOM for organizing the meeting and appreciated the reaching out to European businesses of three government authorities. He commented that The European Chamber welcomed China’s Anti-Monopoly Law, which would be beneficial for developing a healthy market economy in China. He stressed that transparent and consistent law enforcement is very important to ensure a fair competition in the market. He expressed the hope that the Chamber has many valuable resources and would like to get involved in the early-stage of drafting guidelines and regulations. There were constructive and substantial discussions on interested topics from both sides at the meeting, such as anti-monopoly guidelines, case investigation, prior notification and the thresholds, vertical monopoly, tools and methods adopted in the review of the concentrations of undertakings, simplifying the approval process and increase transparency and equal treatment of both domestic and foreign business, companies in different industries, etc.