EUCCC BEPS CFC submission to SAT

2015-10-16 | Shanghai


具体建议 / Detailed Comments in both English and Chinese


Article #







第十五条(二) 6

Article 15.2.6


A description of important legal restructuring activities, debt restructuring, equity acquisitions, asset acquisitions, mergers, splitting, and other types of restructuring occurring during the fiscal year.



This requirement was not included in the BEPS Action 13 Master File template


Suggest SAT to remove this requirement to be consistent with OECD template. Otherwise it is very hard to have the headquarter collect such information just to meet the requirement to China, local Chinese entities won’t be able to collect such group information alone.

第十六条(三) 2

Article 16.3.2


Value chain analysis,taxpayers are required to disclose the following info:


The group’s operation flow, physical flow, cash flow within group, including functions from design, development, manufacturing, marketing, delivery, billing, consuming, after-sales service and recycling etc.

Financial statements for the latest financial year of the involved parties (including standalone financial statements and the group consolidated statements)

Allocation principle and allocation outcome of the group’s profit in the group value chain


This requirement was not included in the BEPS Action 13 Local File template


Suggest SAT to remove this requirement to be consistent with OECD template. Otherwise it is very hard to have the headquarter collect such information just to meet the requirement to China, local Chinese entities won’t be able to collect such group information alone. Item 1 and 3 should already be covered by the Master File

第十六条(三) 3

Article 16.3.3


Outbound investment projects


Basic information relating to foreign investment, including the jurisdictions to which the investment projects invest, amount, principal operations and strategic plans

Overview of foreign investment projects, including shareholding structure, organizational structure, employment of senior management, designation of decision making authority, with respect to the foreign investment projects

The financial information of the foreign investment, including the operational statistics of the foreign investment projects.


This requirement was not included in the BEPS Action 13 Local File template


Suggest SAT to remove this requirement to be consistent with OECD template. Otherwise it is very hard to justify to the headquarter for collecting such information just to meet the requirement to China, local Chinese entities won’t be able to collect all the information alone. As all such documents need to be translated into Chinese, this will dramatically increase compliance burden

第十六条(三) 4

Article 16.3.4


Related party equity transfers


Overview of equity transfer, including due diligence report, background, engagement parties, timing, pricing method, payment method of the transfer, as well as other factors affecting the equity transfer

Relevant information of the target of the equity transfer, including information like the target’s geographic location, timing, methodology, cost of the transfer, income generated from the transfer, etc.

Asset evaluation report on the target of the equity transfer


This requirement was not included in the BEPS Action 13 Local File template


Suggest SAT to remove this requirement to be consistent with OECD template. Otherwise it is very hard to justify to the headquarter for collecting such information just to meet the requirement to China, local Chinese entities won’t be able to collect all the information alone. As all such documents need to be translated into Chinese, this will dramatically increase compliance burden


Article 19

第十九条 符合下列情形之一的企业,应当准备同期资料特殊事项文档:

19 Entities should prepare special items file if meet one of the criterial below:

1)     Have related party service transaction

2)     Have cost sharing arrangement

3)     Violates thin capitalization rules

Entities should prepare special items file according to Chapter 7,9 and 11.


This term does not specify any threshold or safe harbor clauses for related party services. Does that mean we have to document each transaction for related party services, which would be a great burden to Intel China entities


Suggest SAT to add threshold or safe harbor clause for related party services taking into account the importance principle as well as compliance burden to tax payers


Article 351

第三十五条  其他方法包括价值贡献分配法、资产评估方法等方法。



35 Other methods include value contribution allocation method, asset valuation method and others

35.1The value contribution allocation method (VCM) distributes the total profit of a group among related party entities in different countries through the analysis of each value contribution factors’ contribution to the total profit. In the allocation, factors in related to the contribution to the total profit, including assets, costs, expenses, revenue, staff headcount, etc., should be considered. 

The VCM is applicable where comparables are difficult to find but an allocation formula can be reliably determined. 



This is not an internationally agreed method and needs clarity on how this method is different from other methods. Also taxpayers need explanation examples on cases for this method to apply and how to do the calculation. Otherwise international tax disputes will arise


Suggest SAT to remove this method and be consistent with global standard. Or please give clearer and more detailed application cases and calculation under this method


Article 51

第五十一条 税务机关对企业与其关联方签订的关联交易合同进行调查审核时,发现合同中关联交易在可比经济条件下独立第三方之间不可能发生,可以否定或者重新定性该关联交易。


Article 51: If a contract for transaction between related parties would not have occurred under equivalent economic circumstances between unrelated parties then the transaction may be deemed not to have occurred or may be re-characterized by the tax authorities.


Where the functions conducted/risks borne by an enterprise for its related party exceed that which an independent party would have been willing to do then compensatory arrangements shall be made by its related party.



There should be more clarity on under which circumstances that tax bureaus will deem such transactions not exist in third party arrangement. As tax bureaus may not have enough industry knowledge, merely based on reading of the contracts, without understanding actual operation as well as entity explanation, it is highly likely that this will violet tax neutralization principle and make tax an negative impact to China business operation


Suggest that SAT remove this term. Tax bureau can adjust tax payment if entities violates anti-avoidance requirement. However tax should not jeopardize entities’ daily operation strategy. Or there should be more detailed instructions as under what circumstances should this apply and also there should be strict restrictions on local tax officers in using this term, for example, each re-characterization case should be approved by SAT


Article 52

第五十二条 税务机关应当选用本办法第四章规定的转让定价方法分析、评估被调查企业关联交易是否符合独立交易原则,分析评估时可以使用公开信息资料,也可以使用非公开信息资料。

Article 52: Tax authorities shall select transfer pricing methods as specified in Chapter 4 of the Circular to analyze and evaluate the arm’s length nature of related party transactions.  Both publicly available information and non-public information can be used during analyses and evaluations.



Using private database will increase uncertainty to entities as entities will not be able to get access to non-public information when we set up our transfer pricing policies. Therefore this will create information asymmetry between tax payers and tax bureaus. It is unfair for tax payers to get adjusted per  non-public information and will damage the mutual trust relationship between tax payers and tax officers.


Suggest SAT to remove the use of  non-public information .


Article 53

第五十三条 税务机关分析、评估被调查企业关联交易,从公开信息资料或者非公开信息资料中筛选可比对象组时,应当优先考虑可比对象质量。在可比性非常强的情况下,可以只选一个可比对象。



Article 53: Tax authorities shall give priority to the quality of comparables when identify comparables from publicly available information or non-public information in analyzing and assessing the related party transactions of the enterprises under investigation.  Tax authorities can select one comparable only if it has very high comparability. 


When determining the comparable profit / price, tax authorities can use reasonable statistical methodology, such as simple average, weighted average or interquartile methodology and etc, to calculate the average or median value of selected comparables by each individual year or consolidated multiple-year.


Based on the actual situation, tax authorities can make adjustment on the transactions under investigation by each individual year or by multiple years according to the comparable profit / price.



Simple average and weighted average method are not globally agreed statistic method for transfer pricing. As simple average or weighted average will be sensitive to some out layer numbers in the data pool and will distort the whole data pool, basically inter-quartile range is the internationally adopted statistic method for better reflection the overall data poo. In fact, even India is considering using inter-quartile instead of average for their transfer pricing assessment.


Suggest SAT remove the use of simple average and weighted average.



第五十五条 税务机关分析、评估被调查企业关联交易时,除本办法第五十六条规定外,对因营运资本占用不同产生的利润差异不做调整。
Art.55 When the authority analyzes and evaluates an enterprise’s related party transactions, the difference in operating profit caused by operating assets difference between the enterprise and the comparable enterprise should not be adjusted



The chemical business is highly capital intensive, where capital intensity can have large effect on operating income of the company. The application of working capital intensity adjustment is important to ensure comparability. (Please note most of our TPD applies working capital intensity adjustment) (Art 38)




Suggest allow capital intensive industry to make the adjustment.


Article 57

第五十七条 税务机关审核评估被调查企业关联交易时,应当分析成本节约、市场溢价等地域性特殊因素,并采用合理方法确定为被调查企业带来的额外利润。

Article 57

When the tax authorities assess the related party transactions, location saving, market premium as well as location-related factors should be taken into consideration, and quantify with reasonable methods the premium profit attributed to these factors.



Location saving and market premium are relatively new concept and there is not much international guidance available for how to evaluate such items. If SAT is determined to adopt such concepts, there needs to be more detailed application cases and calculation methods. Therefore to reduce the uncertainty to tax payers due to these new concepts.



SAT should publish clearer and more detailed application criterial, use cases and calculation methods. Also there should be strict restrictions on local tax officers in making assessment on these new concepts, for example, each case should be approved by SAT.


Article 65

第六十五条 企业收到《特别纳税调查调整通知书》后,应当按照税务机关规定的期限内缴纳税款,并作相应账务调整。未作相应账务调整的,对调增的应纳税所得额,视同企业向投资方做出利润分配决定,并按有关规定征税。



Article 65

When receiving the Letter of Transfer Pricing Adjustment, companies should pay the adjusted tax, and adjust their accounting books and made the payments for such accounting books true ups within given time limit. If no corresponding true up is made, the taxpayer will be treated as having made a dividend distribution to its foreign counterparty and pay relevant tax.

The in-charge tax authority should track the status of tax payment from the taxpayer; if the taxpayer fails to transfer the payment amount within time limit, it will be treated as failing to make corresponding adjustment.

If the taxpayer made the payment for the adjusted tax amount in the currency other than RMB, the central parity of RMB exchange rate on the payment date will be employed to calculate the amount in RMB.


 A transfer pricing adjustment will not usually lead into an accounting true up. If China made such adjustment and the other tax bureau has not agreed on that, such true up in accounting will result in double tax for entities, incorrect accounting reporting in other country as well as negative impact on cash flow. In addition, whether such requirement has been aligned with other government bodies such as Customs, SAFE, banks will make significant difference on how in practice this can be done. If there is no such alignment yet, one-side decision from tax bureau will create huge difficulties for tax payers to be compliant to such requirement.


Suggest SAT to remove such accounting true up requirement. Or adding a pre-condition that only after the other tax bureau agrees on the adjustment, should entities revise their accounting books. In addition, there should be pre-alignment among SAT, Customs, SAFE, banks before SAT make such requirement into force.


Article 67

第六十七条 税务机关对企业实施特别纳税调整,涉及企业向境外关联方支付利息、租金、特许权使用费的,不得调减已扣缴的税款。

Article 67

When the tax authority making special tax adjustment, if it is related to outbound payment of interest, rent or royalty, to overseas related parties, the tax authority shall not adjust to decrease the withholding tax amount.



Avoid double taxation should be a consensus of international taxation. However this term about disallowing the adjustment on overpaid withholding tax is a violation to such consensus.


Suggest SAT to remove the term “shall not adjust to decrease the withholding tax amount”. If there is overpaid withholding tax due to anti-avoidance adjustment, tax payer should have the right to collect this back.


Article 72

第七十二条  无形资产收益分配应当与经济活动和价值贡献相匹配,根据各关联方在无形资产开发、价值提升、维护、保护、应用和推广中履行的功能,使用的资产,承担的风险以及投入的必要资金、人力及其他资源,考虑无形资产价值的实现方式,判定各方对无形资产价值的贡献程度,在各方之间进行分配。

The income rising from intangibles should be allocated in accordance with the value creation of each party. When allocating income arising from intangibles, taxpayers should analyze each related party's function undertaken, assets employed risk assumed, as well as necessary capital and human resources invested, etc. throughout the development, value enhancement, maintenance, protection, exploitation and promotion of intangibles, including taking into account how the value of intangibles is realized, so as to determine each party's value creation to the intangibles.



Considering value creation for intangible income allocation is also a relatively new concept and there is not much international guidance available for how to evaluate such items. If SAT is determined to adopt such concepts, there needs to be more detailed application cases and calculation methods. Therefore to reduce the uncertainty to tax payers due to these new concepts.



SAT should publish clearer and more detailed application criterial, use cases and calculation methods. Also there should be strict restrictions on local tax officers in making assessment on such new area, for example, each case should be approved by SAT.


Article 72.3


The related party that merely funds intangible development activities but does not perform any functions or assume any risks should only be  entitled to earn a financing return; The related party that owns bare legal ownership but does not contribute to the value creation should not be entitled to any intangible-related profits at all.



This term is also under discussion in OECD, however so far there has not been consensus arrived. If China go ahead and make such rule, it is likely to trigger international tax dispute.  And the conclusion of SAT may not be consistent with third party arrangements. For example, there are venture capital entities who will only invest money into companies and will not get involved in daily operation of those companies. However most profit of the companies will belong to the venture capitals.


Suggest SAT to remove this term and it is better to wait till there is consensus agreed by most countries at OECD BEPS discussion on this topic.