Meeting with Lithuanian Ambassador

2015-10-29 | Beijing

Adam presented the 2016 PP and the most recent developments on security related issues. Ambassador Ina Marčiulionytė arrived in China only a few months ago. They have had a lot of changes recently. She confirmed that Lithuania lobbies hard on trade policy issues: in particular, the trade imbalance and access to the F&B market in China. Lithuania has just reached an agreement with China allowing Lithuanian dairy companies, to be signed in November.

there will be some side events in Shanghai and Beijing during the 16+1 Summit. The Prime Ministers of most of these 16 MS will likely join this event. There could be an opportunity for an event with Chamber in either BJ or SH with these visiting PMs.

Lithuanian Embassy will invite the Chamber to join a seminar they will organize in BJ at the Kempi on Nov 23rd. Lithuanian Embassy uses the EU SME Helpdesk and IPR SME Helpkdesk. They are pleased with both services. They understand the need to charge, but hope the fees remain low. Lithuania will bring a delegation of 40 companies to China from ag, ict, and education sectors. 

Adam touched upon the Chamber’s interest in reaching out more to the Lithuania media. He agreed to swap Chinese media contacts for their contacts that follow China in Lithuania. Again, their PM will be here in November.