EU Tour –Meeting with Comm. Phil Hogan (DG AGRI)

2016-01-26 | Beijing

EU Tour –Meeting with Comm. Phil Hogan (DG AGRI)

Ÿ   JW thanked the Commissioner for the meeting opportunity and updated him on the recent economic development and business environment in China.

Ÿ   PH welcomed the Chamber delegation and addressed the importance of China as a trade partner in agriculture products for EU. Priorities of DG AGRI including GI, dairy products, as well as market access.

Ÿ   RD mentioned the difficulties of European seed and fertilizer industry facing in China in registration.

Ÿ   ZZ thanked DG AGRI and EU Delegation for their support in the advocacy effort for European dairy products. ZZ introduced the new legislations for infant formula products as well as the food for special medical purpose and the revision of the standard for cheese and hoped that DG SANTE can work with DG TRADE and DG AGRI together to promote the interests of European industry.

Ÿ   PH will visit China twice this year: 16-20 April and in June for the G20 agriculture minister meeting. PH will be looking forward to meeting EU business representatives in China.

Ÿ   ZZ will work with ND to prepare for the Commissioner’s visit to China.