EU Tour-Meeting with Commissioner Oettinger

2016-01-26 | Beijing

EU Tour-Meeting with Commissioner Oettinger

Ÿ   Oettinger started the meeting by appreciating the roles played by the Chamber. He noted that not all chambers are as active and as “offensive” as the European Chamber. He hoped that the Chamber could continue by offering transparent, information and substantial services to its members.

Ÿ   He noted that China is a challenging market as the political structure is different. In order to achieve a win-win result, industry has to leverage both national and European approaches.

Ÿ   The Commission’s focus on ICT include standards, licenses and China’s offensive approach to market new-comers. On digital front, he noted that there is a clear need to bring China to global picture.

Ÿ   With China, he highlighted two priorities which are 5G and Cyber-security. On 5G, he noted the 5 billion Euro PPP projects to be released in Barcelona and cooperation by 5 major players on standards through ITU platform. On Cybersecurity, the emphasis is on fighting against cyber-crime and in vertical sectors such as energy and mobility.

Ÿ   On Counter Terrorism Law, he noted the offensive attitude from Lu Wei, CAC and asked for more detailed analysis of impact on business on sectoral level.

Ÿ   Action: MX to follow up with Xiaowen.

Ÿ   JW updated China’s latest economic status and over-capacity issue. He also shared his recent learning from INTA hearing that there might still be question mark with regard to granting China’s MES.

Ÿ   Oettinger noted that decision making of Parliament might be complicated. Since May 2014, the Parliament had little powerful decision. Therefore, this might be a sensitive moment with a sound reason of defending jobs in the EU.

Ÿ   MC: 5 G Joint Declaration brought businesses opportunities; Central funding open to foreign vendors (though business still need to work with Chinese partners); Globalization of ICT standards body (CCSA under MIIT opened to Nokia and Ericsson; 4G and 5G expert groups in the process of opening up as well), opening to foreign players;

Ÿ   He also updated the establishment of Cyber-Security (CS) Sub-WG. Through the sub-WG, he hope that the group could engage in more high-level dialogues.

Ÿ   BF: Security related legislations: China is promoting the idea of “Internet Boarder” limiting data exchange. The idea of “secure and controllable” required companies to localize their data. At the same time, there is a lack of clarity over the definition of “Security”.

Ÿ   Many companies are setting JVs to be able to be considered “controllable”.

Ÿ   Oettinger: Deputy Head of Cabinet is sending a letter to CAC. In Autumn 2016, he is going to China. It would be useful of the WG to send some points with details to be included in this letter/visit briefing.

Ÿ   Digital economy can be the next bridge between EU and China.