EU Tour – Meeting with Commissioner Bulc, DG MOVE

2016-01-28 | Beijing

EU Tour – Meeting with Commissioner Bulc, DG MOVE

Ÿ   The Commissioner wanted to use this opportunity to continue the discussions that took place with the Chamber during the HED. MH mentioned that they would like to fill the connectivity platform with content (particularly with concrete and easy to measure). For instance, use the connectivity platform to converge EU and Chinese standards.

Ÿ   Discussion on logistics sector focusing on China’s efforts in building national champions, tough sector due to the competition and fragmented regulations, local government develop own policies. On cross-provincial rules it was mentioned that provinces do not talk to the central government and they just take care of themselves and vendors abide to alibaba’s rules. Other concerns on national security, AML,… Express delivery is regulated by MOT, State Postal Bureau. They have asked to install CCTV 24/7. Companies have tried to push back on this, but they know they will have to concede due to top-down approach and also because other players have been persuaded to comply. They also have to abide for x ray scanning.

Ÿ   For rail shipping, there is the need to use ID card. But in the rest of the world is not like this. Companies are taking risks as be asked to take the responsibility if anything happens.

Ÿ   MH informed of the intention of the Chamber of creating a mobility forum that will look at mobility of people and goods in a more horizontal way.

Ÿ   The Commissioner mentioned that the connectivity platform should be of the interest of China due to the fact that it will allow them to have a strong foot in the transportation sector. However, the Commissioner expects to bring to her Chinese counterparts a list of topics that will be of their interest, but also other topic like green transportation, smart mobility, inland waterways,… topics for which the EU has solutions. However the core sectors are railways and maritime.

Ÿ   The Commissioner mentioned that China and Russia are countries that value those that stay around when times are bad and she encouraged the Chamber to be proactive and ask China how the EU and EU companies can help and what we could do together to overcome the crisis.

Ÿ   JW mentioned that the Chamber is passing the message that we need to remain optimistic, but at the same time be realistic. He informed also about OC study.

Ÿ   Discussion on SOE reform, MES and 13 FYP.

Ÿ   SR focused on new plans that focus on transportation – Belt Road National Climate Change Plan by NDRC. Also the CN 2025 strategy which also reflects on the mobility sector (from the 10 sectors, five affect transportation). In this one we can observe clear protectionist tendencies. It was commented that seeing this kind of initiatives it looks like China wants European companies to become their components suppliers. The problem is that while they are doing this, they are also trying to challenge us in our own markets. The connectivity platform should be useful to tackle this. There is the need to think both ways. MH mentioned that the EU needs to welcome competition but in equal terms. The Cabinet of the Commissioner recognised that there is the need to look what China wants to do in the EU and see what are the interests of the EU companies before putting at risk the countries.

Ÿ   Commissioner informed about the Commission’s re-industrialisation plan and how to use it in the advantage of the EU and its companies. The connectivity platform can build on this. She also mentioned that comprehensive agreement on aviation that establishes equal level playing field and probably this is the direction that the EU should follow.

Ÿ   HH made reference to green logistics as one of the top priorities of the current Chinese leadership and how the EU could capitalise on this.

Ÿ   The cabinet informed that the next visit should be in July led probably by VP Sefcovic. They will use this opportunity to look for their engagement at the highest level.