EU Tour –Meeting with Digital Europe

2016-01-27 | Beijing

Ÿ   BF updated the recent developments in cyber-security area, IPR Guideline for AML, Insurance & Banking ICT rules, etc.

Ÿ   MX updated Chamber’s stance on MES.

Ÿ   Two sides discussed Digital Single Market including IPR protection, Consumer Protection, Accessibility and Taxation.

Ÿ   MP asked Chamber’s stance on E-Health. MX promised to ask Jessica to get back to him.

Ÿ   Action: MX to ask Jessica to follow up with MP and share Chamber’s comments on IPR AML Guideline.

Ÿ   New Telecom Catalogue was discussed and concerns on cloud computing’s inclusion as value-added service were shared.

Ÿ   A new WG was set-up at Digital Europe focusing on cyber-security, ICT standard setting, AML as well as Patent Law.