InterChamber SME Working Group Meeting

2016-03-04 | Beijing

The Meeting was formed by 3 presentations delivered by:

Ludmila Hyklova from EU SME Center, Alvaro Montoya and Niles-Uwe Behrens from IBB and Xavier SansPowell, EUCCC.

Ludmila Hyklova, the Legal Advisor from the EU SME Centre gave a presentation on Internal Labour Rules and How to Avoid Common Labour Disputes. Mr. Alvaro Montoya and Mr. Niles-Uwe Behrens from IBB gave a presentation on IT challenges & New Solutions for European SMEs in China. Mr. Xavier Sans Powell started the presentation debriefing the attendees on the advocacy work done by the EU SME Centre. Afterwards, he gave a presentation on B20 and the SME position paper (PP) before the participants discussed the Key Recommendations (KR) in the PP. 

More than 30 people attended the Working Group meeting.