MOFCOM Assistant Minister Recognises Importance of the Chamber

2016-04-19 | Beijing

MOFCOM Assistant Minister Recognises Importance of the Chamber

Assistant Minister Liu welcomed the delegation led by the President of the Chamber. He said that the MOFCOM would like to take the opportunity to listen to the EU business community. The president of the Chamber briefed on the latest development of the Chamber, its major publications, including local Position Papers, and presented the Position Paper and the overcapacity report to Assistant Minister Liu. He also talked about the upcoming publications of the Chamber. He recalled the bilateral investment data and hope for more market access in China for foreign businesses. He also expressed the hope of a successful CAI negotiation between China and the EU. 

The floor was then opened to Chairs/Vice Chairs/AC members to voice their concerns or recommendations from different industries. In response, the MOFCOM would review the feedbacks from the meeting and work on those that fall into their responsibilites. As for those issues that involve multi-department coordination, they will work with other ministries to address them.