Meeting with Shanghai Academy of Development and Reform on Shanghai FTZ

2016-07-04 | Shanghai

In this meeting, Ms. Helei Fu, the Chamber's Senior Government Affairs Manager, shared Mr. Lu WEI, Vice President of the Academy the recent data and results of BCS and an ad hoc survey on the Shanghai FTZ that the Chamber provided to the local authorities. While it is encouraging to see Shanghai FTZ has accomplished much in terms of institutional innovation and offered many experiences replicable for national reform in its first three years, it still has great potential that could yet be realized. Regarding the next phase of the Shanghai FTZ development, the Chamber suggests the local authorities make bolder reform of and more liberalisation in the financial sector, strengthen IP protection in order to attract more cutting-edge technologies from the European business, as well as relax visas on foreign talents and interns to create a more innovative R&D environment.