Meeting with Prof. Sun Yuanxin on Shanghai FTZ New Developments

2016-07-04 | Shanghai

In the meeting, Prof. Sun Yuanxin explains that the background of FTZ establishment is to test the international business rules currently under BIT and CAI negotiations. However, both changing international environment and domestic economic downturn have made further reform more difficult. In the time of FTZ's 3rd year anniversary, we may expect the release of a financial sector Negative List, granting foreign investors more access to securities market and more transparent policy-making. In addition to the four FTZs now, FTZ policies will also be rolled out to 12 open economy comprehensive pilot zones. As one of the 12 zones, Pudong New Area is currently working on the plans. Prof. Sun also briefed about the innovation center policies, including foreign expert visa, work permit for international graduates and R&D policies.