Meeting with Shanghai Institute of American Studies on Chamber's View on G20 Summit

2016-07-29 | Shanghai

In the meeting, Ms. Fu Helei, Senior GA Manager of the European Chamber expressed concerns from the business community on the upcoming G20 meeting. Companies would like to know better the arrangement on pollution and traffic control at earlier stage. They also expect a clearer procedure for registration and participation. Ms. Fu also shared the key findings of the newly released Overcapacity Report and Business Confidence Survey (BCS) with Mr. Hu Hua, which are very likely to be discussed in the G20 Summit. According to the BCS, the European businesses have been facing incresasing pressure in the economic downturn and plans for expansion have been on hold. European companies would like to see a more transparent, predictable, and non-discriminative regulatory environment and know better how to participate in government-led initiatives such as One Belt One Road and Shanghai Innovation Center.