Meeting with Department of Foreign Investment Administration, MOFCOM

2016-08-08 | Beijing

Members of the Chamber together with some other representatives of FIEs in China had a meeting with Ms. Fan Wenjie, Deputy Director General of Department of Foreign Investment Administration, MOFCOM. DDG Fan briefed the foreign investment status of the first half of 2016 and explained to the participants the context of the meeting. MOFCOM would like to take the opportunity to know the business operations of FIEs in China, challenges they have met in daily operation, plans for future growth in China and recommendations to build a better business environment.

Besides their industry specific challenges, members of the Chamber voiced some commonly shared concerns, such as limited market access, fair competition, IPR protection, inconsistent implementation of policies and regulations, data security, lack of coordination among different departments, unpredictable policies and local protectionism, etc. Despite the economic slowdown, most of the FIEs still stay in China and try to achieve growth, but they do hope to have more opportunities to exchange with government authorities to address the issues that affect they operations in a regular basis.  DDG Fan did not respond much, but said that they have taken notes of all the points made at the meeting and will work out a report to be submitted to higher-level officials.