Meeting with Vice President of CAITEC, MOFCOM

2016-08-23 | Beijing

Ms. Zhang Wei, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC), MOFCOM had a meeting with representatives from manufacturing members of the Chamber. The speakers came from electronic parts, auto components, ICT and Small-Medium Sized Enterprises. Ms. Zhang said that the CAITEC is among the 15 national-level thinks tanks that conduct independent research and provide policy recommendations to the leadership of China. She would like take the opportunity to get a thorough understanding of the European businesses in the manufacturing industry in China.


Chamber representatives spoke about global market impacts on manufactures in China and analysed the following factors affecting their investment and operation in China

1)      Human resource cost (workers on plant, management, training, experts, engineers, etc.)

2)      Raw material price

3)      Currency exchange rate

4)      Policy and Regulation stability, integration and transparency

5)      Fair competition

6)      Education

7)      IPR

8)      Industry standards

EU SME Advocacy Coordinator emphasised the key barriers for foreign SMEs investing in China. Both sides agreed to continue the dialogue in the future, hoping to have the business’ voice heard.