European Chamber Participation in B20

2016-09-04 | Beijing

Mr. Xavier Sans Powell and Ms. Erica Wang participated in B20 Hangzhou Summit as SME Development Taskforce. During the Summit, both representatives met with SME Taskforce members and co-chairs (Vermeer Corporation &, knowledge partner (Accenture). The SME Policy Recommendations included 4 parts, and two of them were highly matched with European Chamber SME Position Papaer: Access to Finance and Reduce Administrative Burdens. Both of European Chamber representatvies were invited to attend meetings with Mayor of Hangzhou, Directors of Hangzhou Industrial Parks  or Development Areas, in the meeting with Mr. Zhang Hongming, Apple, Boston Consulting, Mary Kay, Dassault Systems, Shell, ABB, SK, Essar also participated. 

Mr. Xavier Sans Powell and Ms. Erica Wang presentated European Chamber 2016-2017 Position Paper to Mayor of Hangzhou and Managing Director of European Bank of Reconstruction and Development. 

Mr. Xavier Sans Powell and Ms. Erica Wang will have follow-up meetings with SME Taskforce co-chair and knowledge partner of Financing Growth, DHgate and PwC, in Beijing to discuss future collaboration opportunities.