InterChamber SME Working Group Meeting

2016-09-20 | Beijing

InterChamber SME Working Group Meeting

The working group meetin gathered 22 SMEs and representatives from EU national chamber of commerces, from varied industries including manufacturing, IT and legal services, consulting, cross-border trade. The meeting opened with introductive remarks about Inter-Chamber SME Position Paper and government meetings. Senior Policy Advisor provided policy reading of B20 key recommendations and EU-China SME Policy Dialogue. Speaker from R&P Lawyers gave a comprehensive and informative presentation of compliance precedure, strategy and key areas of risks control. He advised SMEs to work on the weak points of compliance and work with compliance investigation strategically. After the presentations, the EU SME Policy Coodinator moderated a panel discussion with the speaker by giving concrete case scenario which was provided with practical solutions from the speaker. 

The working group meeting closed successfully with positive comments from attendees.