Meeting with the Director of the Dept. for Innovation and Technology Policy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Germany

2016-11-02 | Beijing

The European Chamber briefed Dr Ole Janssen, Director of the Department for Innovation and Technology Policy, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, on the opportunities and challenges of the Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Industry in China.

Germany contributes 50% of the export of the European Medical Device industry to China. European exports grew by 20% in 2015 and the positive trend continued in the first half of 2016.

Both in the Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Industry new regulations on Clinical Trials are the main challenge for German/European manufacturers.

This year, China and Germany have initiated a regulatory dialogue. Germany has coordinated the activities of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the BfArM, the German competent body for safety of Drugs and Medical Devices will be involved for discussion of technical issues.

The European Chamber stressed:

- the regulatory dialogue should include in-depths talks on working level, so that really progress in harmonisation of the regulatory systems will be achieved

- communication with the EU Commission are recommended. The EU and member states should have coherent positions and double work should be avoided.

The European Chamber presented a copy of the new Position Paper to Dr Janssen.