Meeting with Vice Administrator of the CAAC

2017-02-24 | Beijing

Meeting with Vice Administrator of the CAAC

President Wuttke led a delegation and had a meeting with Vice Administrator Wang Zhiqing of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, CAAC.  At the meeting, President Wuttke commented on the fast development of the civil aviation industry in China and presented the Position Paper 2016/2017 to Vice Administrator Wang.

The Representatives from the Aviation & Aerospace Working Group talked about the key recommendations of the aviation industry and expressed their concerns regarding market access. The Air Traffic Management Expert of the China-EU Aviation Partnership Project, Mr. Eike Kuehl, introduced the project to him and asked for his support in the upcoming activities such as start and landing operation time (SLOT) allocation for the European airlines at the major airports in China as well as flexible use of airspace. 

Mr. Wang welcomed the delegation from the Chamber and responded on each key recommendations of the Aviation & Aerospace working group. He said that the CAAC has attached much importance to the recommendations from the Chamber and looks forward to further cooperation in the future.