Meeting with Commissioner Andriukaitis (DG SANTE)

2017-02-06 | Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin

-          VA welcomed the Chamber delegation and introduced the portfolio of SANTE. VA updated the Chamber delegates on the achievements of SANTE between the EU and China in health and food safety area.

-          JW introduced the development of business environment in China and the Chamber’s latest publication – Made in China 2025 which will be launched in early March.

-          Participants discussed the latest geopolitical development and the opportunity for EU-China relationship.

-          ZZ updated the recent regulatory development in food safety area in China and thanked SANTE for all supports. ZZ mentioned that best practice sharing by EU to China will be very helpful to facilitate trade between EU and China.

-          MD addressed the concerns of the international pharmaceutic industry in China and believes that more engagement between the EU and China will improve market access barriers.

-          CSh emphasised the important role of European pharmaceutic industry in China and more cooperation between the EU and China will help improve China’s governance capacity.