EU Tour – Meeting with DG Xavier Prats Monne (DG SANTE)

2017-02-07 | All chapters

-   XPM welcomed the Chamber delegations and BdlN thanked for the meeting opportunity.

-   Tour de table.

-   BdlN introduced the development of business environment in China and the Chamber’s latest publication – Made in China 2025 which will be launched in early March.

-   CSh used rare disease as an example to stress the importance of best practice sharing with China.

-   ZZ addressed the importance of sharing know-how between the EU and China in food safety regulations.

-   MD mentioned that it is important for the EU to take the opportunity to strengthen the relationship with China.

-   XPM mentioned that AMR is a priority of the DG SANTE and supports from the industry in China are welcomed. ZZ will follow up with AD regarding the future cooperation opportunity on AMR issue.