Participation in Advance EU Access to Financial Incentives for Innovation in China - First Experts' Workshop

2017-03-22 | Shanghai

As the supporting organisation of the EU funded project Advance EU Access to Financial Incentives for Innovation in China, representatives of the European Chamber's R&D Working Group participated in the First Experts' Workshop of this ongoing research project.

Mr Laurent Bochereau, Head of S&T Section of EU Delegation to China and Mr Mick Adams, Vice President and Chairman of the Shanghai Board of the Chamber gave the opening remarks and have the discussion with the participants on the scope and extent of EU participation to Chinese central government funding programmes for research and innovation in China. 

Ms Philippa Jones, team leader of the project and the implementing team presented and shared the prliminary findings of the project with concrete cases of applications to central funding programmes. After the presentations, Mr Mason Wang, Vice Chair of the Chamber's R&D Working Group moderated the discussion on a series of issues and recommendations identified from the project research and analysis for improving accessibility and reciprocity. Members of the R&D Working Group raised their concerns and shared practical experiences in differenct sectors.