Seminar on Shanghai's Implementation Rules of the State Council Circular No. 5

2017-05-04 | Shanghai

Seminar on Shanghai's Implementation Rules of the State Council Circular No. 5

Invited by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce (SCOFCOM), Dr. Ioana Kraft, General Manager of the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter, attended the seminar to share the Chamber's views on the Shanghai's Implementation Rules of the State Council Circular No. 5 - Opinions of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government on Further Opening up and Accelerating the Pace of Building a New Economic System Based on Openness (the Opinions). The European Chamber is encouraged to see that the Shanghai Municipal Government is committed to further opening up and reform, and has made great achievements in many areas such as removing restrictions on foreign graduate visas, strengthening IP protection through the establishment of the IP Court, adding renewal conditions in land use contract to ensure legal certainty, etc. Dr. Kraft also suggests a few areas for further improvement including further opening up of the Shanghai FTZ and professional services sector, providing equal market access to the Chinese and foreign companies in projects relevant to Manufacturing in China 2025 initiative, etc. Madam Shang Yuying, Director General of the SCOFCOM, spoke highly of the European Chamber's role in facilitating foreign business operation in Shanghai. The SCOFCOM attaches great importance to the Chamber's annual publications - national and local Position Paper and Business Confidence Survey, and adopts many recommendations in the local policy.