Meeting with Vice President of the Investment Association of China under NDRC

2017-05-10 | Beijing

Meeting with Vice President of the Investment Association of China under NDRC

On 6th March, 30 members of the Chamber attended the meeting with Mr Ning Jizhe, Vice Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on further opening for foreign investment organised by the Investment Association of China (IAC).  To express the gratitude and seek future cooperation with Chamber, Mr Liu Ren, Vice President of IAC, President of the Committee of Foreign Investment of IAC, and former Director General of International Affairs Department of NDRC, paid the visit to the Chamber's Beijing office.

Vice President Liu first introduced the IAC, which was estalished in 2001 by NDRC focusing on agriculture, energy, emerging industries. IAC now has more than 100 member companies, among which more than 30 are among the World Fortune 500.  He further mentioned that the management of IAC are mostly former government officials from various ministries.

Vice President Liu proposed to start cooperation with the Chamber in developing communication between European companies and Chinese government.  This year, IAC will organize activities in the following topics:

1. The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (The Belt and Road Initiative)

2. Made in China 2025

3. Xiong An New Area

4. Revised Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment 

Sara Marchetta, Vice President of the Chamber and Carl Hayward, General Manager of the Chamber, expressed the willingness of the proposed cooperation and discussed feasible models with Vice President Liu. 

Sara Marchetta concluded the meeting by inviting Vice President Liu to the launch event of Chamber's Business Confidence Survey 2017 and presenting Chamber's publications to Vice President Liu, including the annual Position Paper 2016/2017, Report on Made in China 2025 and Report on Overcapacity in China.