Meeting with Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau

2017-06-14 | Beijing

Meeting with Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau

Mr Zhang Tong, Deputy Director General of Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau or known as Invest Beijing paid a visit to the Chamber Beijing office and had a meeting with some members and working group representatives. 

DDG Zhang briefed the purpose of visiting the Chamber and collecting the feedbacks from FIEs at the beginning of the meeting. Ziting Zhang welcomed DDG Zhang and his colleagues from Invest Beijing. She appreciated all the effort made by the Chinese government including Beijing Municipal Government since Circular No. 5 was released earlier this year. Then the floor was open to members and working group representatives, who raised questions and concerns about Beijing’s positioning in attracting foreign investment, too frequent tax and customs investigations in the automobile industry, challenges faced by health care equipment suppliers, EU SMEs and Fashion & Leather desk and the impact of the Foreign NGO Law, etc. DDG Zhang responded to some of the concerns and suggested participants to provide written materials so that Invest Beijing could report these challenges to relevant authorities.