Meeting with Delegation of the European People’s Party

2017-08-30 | Beijing



European Chamber Vice-Presidents Massimo Bagnasco and Michael Chang together with Mr Xavier Sans Powell, Director of GA (European Affairs) and EU SME Centre’s Senior Policy & Advocacy Manager had an informative briefing with a delegation of the European People’s Party (EPP), in Beijing on 30th August. The Vice-Presidents gave an overview of recent developments and promises regarding opening-up and reform in China. Then they gave an overview of the business confidence survey, the European Chamber’s report on Made in China 2025 report and its position regarding the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. Finally, the Vice-Presidents informed the EPP’s delegation of the launch of the European Business in China Position Paper on the 19th September and posterior presentation to the European institutions during the annual visit to Brussels which will take place the last week of September.