Meeting with DDG of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision on PP and Working Group Cooperation

2018-01-12 | Shanghai

Meeting with DDG of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision on PP and Working Group Cooperation

Led by Mr. Carlo D'Andrea, Vice President of the European Chamber and Chairman of the Shanghai Board, representatives of the Standards and Conformity Assessment working group visited Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and presented the Position Paper to Mr. Shen Weimin, Deputy Director General of the Bureau. Mr. D'Andrea introduced the Chamber's working groups and advocacy work, and suggested both sides have closer cooperation in the future. DDG Shen explained the responsibility of the Bureau and each department. He said the central authorities want Shanghai to lead in piloting standardisation and certification work and make such best practice institutionalised for other regions to follow. He then proposed to establish a long-term communication mechanism with the European Chamber to keep the industry informed of the latest policy change, as well as help European business solve operational issues. At the end of the meeting, both sides agreed that two level of cooperation, both at top and working level, will be carried out in the new year.