European Chamber Speaks at 2018 Briefing on Shanghai’s Commerce and Investment

2018-03-14 | Shanghai

During this event, Mr. Wu Qing, Vice Mayor of Shanghai Municipal Government, presented the development of Shanghai's trade and investments in 2017 and the upcoming China International Import Expo to the participants and representatives of local foreign consulates, enterprises, chambers and business community. Ms. Shang Yuying, Director General of Shanghai Commerce Commission, further shared the statistics of FDI in Shanghai, the recent developments of "five centers" and Shanghai's action plan to optimize local business environment. During the Q&A session, Dr. Ioana Kraft, General Manager of the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter, raised a question regarding the local implementation plan of the Guofa No. 5 and No. 39. Mr. Yang Chao, Deputy Director General of the Shanghai Commerce Commission, said Shanghai is working on a timetable of the local implementation and publish it this year. The Shanghai Commerce Commission will also organize 10 roundtables for the foreign companies to discuss challenges in running business in Shanghai. DDG Yang also shared the Shanghai's recent reform measures including separation permits from business license, the establishment of IP center in Pudong, etc.