Meeting with Mr Pan Gongsheng, Deputy Governor of the PBoC and Administrator of the SAFE

2018-05-03 | Beijing

Meeting with Mr Pan Gongsheng, Deputy Governor of the PBoC and Administrator of the SAFE

Adam Dunnett, secretary general of the European Chamber, led a delegation including representatives from member companies that included HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank, PWC, BMW and Schneider Electric to meet with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) on deepening reform and foreign exchange management.

Secretary General Dunnett briefed Pan Gongsheng, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China and administrator of SAFE, on recent developments at the Chamber and provided recommendations on opening up capital markets. The Chamber also made suggestions on promoting investment and finance facilitation.

In conclusion, Mr Pan Gongsheng said that the foreign exchange administrative departments would constantly deepen reform, steadily promote two-way opening up of capital markets, further enhance the liberalisation and facilitation of trade investment, and actively serve the new pattern of all-round opening up and the real economy. He also believed that foreign exchange management should prevent cross-border capital flow risks and create a good business environment for Chinese and foreign-invested enterprises.