Secretary General Dunnett Met with DDG of Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province

2018-08-14 | Beijing

Secretary General Dunnett Met with DDG of Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province

On 14th August, Adam Dunnett, secretary general of the European Chamber, met with Yuehua Chen, deputy director general of the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, and two representatives from the Guangdong Board of Investment Promotion.

Both sides discussed the Chamber’s recent report titled 18 Months Since Davos How China’s Vision Became a Reform Imperative and the European Business in China Business Confidence Survey 2018.  Secretary General Dunnett congratulated Guangdong on its implementation of State Council Document No. 39 which is seen, in the eyes of the Chamber, as the greatest effort at the local level to implement the State Council decision.

Deputy Director General Chen also expressed his appreciation for the Chamber’s support at the 2017 China (Guangdong)-Europe Investment Cooperation Conference, which was attended by the European Chamber President, the European Union Ambassador to China, the Guangdong Governor and the Party Secretary. This year the Guangdong Provincial Government will host the conference in Shenzhen, tentatively on 6th November.