Business Dialogue between GDDOFCOM and Foreign Consulates, Overseas Commercial Organizations in Guangdong

2014-04-29 | South China

On April 29th in Guangzhou Vivian Desmonts, PRD Board Vice Chair joined as a guest expert on behalf of the European Chamber the Business Dialogue between GDDOFCOM, Foreign Consulates General and Chambers of Commerce in Guangdong. During his presentation Vivian Desmonts stated that while China continues to be a key market for European companies and remain a crucial element in their global business strategy, many European companies are currently facing challenges due to rising labour costs, increased competition, slowing economic growth and domestic demand. He added that market access barriers that still exist for foreign investors nowadays. At the same time to improve the business environment and attract high-tech companies to Guangdong he recommended to prosecute IPR offences and improve transparency of IPR Enforcement decisions, implement SME friendly policies and brand Guangdong as a fully integrated region with modern economic growth and better international recognition.