Meeting with Vice Mayor of Shenyang

2019-04-19 | Shenyang

Meeting with Vice Mayor of Shenyang

On 19th April, Mr Harald Kumpfert, chair of the Shenyang Chapter Board, together with Mr Ernst Woller, first president of the Provincial Parliament of Vienna, met with Mr Li Songlin, vice mayor of Shenyang, to discuss enhancing the overall attractiveness of Shenyang and improving the business environment.

Vice Mayor Li outlined some recent developments in Shenyang. He also expressed his appreciation for the European Chamber’s efforts in making Shenyang a better city, providing local authorities with constructive suggestions and publishing the Shenyang Position Paper (2017/2018). Vice Mayor Li said the key recommendations in the Shenyang Position Paper(2017/2018) have been of great use to the local authorities. 

Chair Kumpfert thanked Vice Mayor Li for receiving the delegation on short notice. He also highlighted the Shenyang Chapter’s priorities for 2019, which included enhancing the overall attractiveness of Shenyang and continuing to improve the local business environment. 

First President Woller shared Vienna’s experience developing the city with sustainability. The result is that for the last 10 years Vienna was selected as the most attractive city in the world. The factors that let Vienna climb to and stay on top of world-wide attractiveness are convenient public transport, avoidance of car traffic, large variety of international education, cultural diversity, environmental protection and effective city management. Vienna is also known as Green City due to its high standards of energy efficiency and low carbon economy.

All participants agreed that both cities shall share their experiences and learn from each other. For Shenyang in particular interesting are the waste management and environmental protection concepts and policies applied by Vienna. The next steps of co-operation include the exchange of information about city energy and waste management. First President Ernst Woller cordially invited Mayor Li Songlin and his team to Vienna to build ties between both cities and enhance co-operation.